Nnah seorang senior PAPAJI pernah kasih info bahwa kandungan zat kimia di obat tedun tsb sama dengan kandungan di obat TBC buat manusia RIFAMPICIN. Harga Rifampicin cuma Rp 6 ribu dapat 10 kapsul (lupa 150 apa 300 mg).
Pakai 1/2 kapsul saja. kasih ke ayam sehari sekali ... di hari ketiga ayam saya berdiri lagi ... setelah 3 minggu bisa diadu lagi. yang perlu diperhatikan adalah ketika lumpuh harus tetap dikasih makanan baik dengan disuapi atau dicekoki biar tetap sehat.
Efek samping dari Rifampicin adalah ketika buang kotoran warna merah darah, tapi bukan darah. efek lain sejauh ini belum tahu. yang mau pakai Rifampicin ya use with your own risk (tanggung sendiri resikonya).
Saya cuma share tidak bermaksud menyarankan atau memaksa anda. untuk amannya ya beli obat tedun di Poultry Shop itu saja...
Tentang Rifampicin baca di sini: situs Wikipedia atau situs Patient
Rifampicin is an antibiotic used to treat infections, including tuberculosis (TB). It is usually prescribed as one of a number of medicines to treat the infection. You may have been prescribed it for this reason. Alternatively, you may have been prescribed it to protect you from a serious infection caused by certain bacteria. Rifampicin works by stopping the bacteria causing the infection from growing and multiplying. Tuberculosis is a bacterial infection which is mostly found in the lungs but which can affect any part of your body. TB is treatable with a course of medicines which usually last six months. Several medicines are given together to treat TB. There are some brands of tablets available which contain rifampicin in combination with one or more of the other medicines used to treat TB.